Maintain, Restore and Grow Healthy Hair with AfroHairCandy 🍃


We are always so grateful for progress updates! The picture speaks for itself...

Hair loss is very stressful and can have a huge impact on your confidence. What you can see on the left was caused by over-styling and traction alopecia. From the first to the last picture, all taken within 2 months of this customer’s #afrohaircandy🍃 journey - her hair started growing back and restoring itself.


Our products are versatile in their use. They are used to maintain healthy, thick, soft, growing hair and maintain length retention. They can be used by the entire household, from mother to father, to children and babies (grandmothers and grandfathers too) as it’s fully natural, containing no chemicals and preservatives. If you have a severe case of hair loss see below for our recovery set.


Hair Care Tip: Allow your hair and scalp to have at least 1-hour exposure to natural light, sunshine and oxygen, daily.

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