AfroHairCandy🍃 is not by my might… It is an ancient old recipe, that has been passed on from generations to generations in Africa. It is still a way of life for the vast majority of rural Africans, and it's used in parts of the Caribbean.
I come from a remote village in Central Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), from the Bandundu village and Tribe. Our way of life in my village is very simplistic, with no access to chemicals or any products that are chemically enhanced. We relied on nature to provide us all we needed to care for our skin, hair, teeth, you name it. My family moved to London when I was 10 years old. Curiously, I noticed that hair was often hidden on this side of the world, under wigs and weaves. My family too, left behind what we knew and moved onto the westernised methods of haircare in buying chemically enhanced products. However, we noticed that our hair got shorter and shorter, with less body/length and our scalp were often problematic with dryness and flakes. I continued to make what I could, as I did in my village as a child, with the limited recourses we had in the UK at the time

Once my first daughter was born, my husband insisted that we must shape her to love her natural hair and the skin she’s in. “It starts with you loving your natural hair, and not treating it as a problem. She will learn from you.” he said. As I had made products to rid him of his severe Psoriasis and I had already been making my own Body Butter, Body Wash, Toothpaste, Deodorant etc, for us at home, he had every faith that I could make all our hair care for our children, after seeing the results of his own hair loss reversal and the recovery from Psoriasis. When our twins were born, although my grandmother had insisted that the baby’s first hair wash should be with oils as is cultural, I insisted on a popular baby shampoo, to devastating effects. The burns my daughter suffered from the shampoo told me to go back to our ancient ways of caring for our skin and hair. I started making products in batches and taking it seriously. My previous University studies in Science helped me to understand the Chemistry of each ingredients our ancestors used, and how to combine and refine the products, with no chemical enhancements. Modules in Trichology and Dermatology further taught me the biology of hair and skin, and the consequenceses of the dangerous chemicals that are used in Hair and Skincare products.
For over a decade now, I have been making these products, for friends, friends of friends, and family members, and their friends, then it was the school mums for my children’s friends, and their friends and so on. They all admired our hair and were intrigued by the fact that we used only plants and oils to care for our Skin, hair, and oral hygine. I kept in close touch with everyone and asked for feedback and pictures. That’s when I realised that not only were the natural products keeping hair healthy, with fast growth and length retention as it did when I was younger, back in Africa, but they were reversing some of the most serious cases of Alopecia, beyond just my husband’s baldness and my own edges and bald patched from traction and years of chemically processing my hair, in my teens. This was due to most of our ingredients being natural healers, whilst using chemistry to understand the balances of each ingredient.
In 2019, with much encouragement from loved ones, AfroHairCandy 🍃 was born.
I’m grateful to all those whom, for over a decade, tried these products, stuck with them and spread the word. Thank you for pushing me to refine them in making them suitable for modern day use. Thank you for constantly nagging me to make more and for calling me when the products would go off, to give me a measurement of how long they last, in and out of the fridge. And so, welcome to AfroHairCandy🍃 a natural hair care system, that ensures we are able to care for our hair the way nature intended, using only Plants, Seeds and Oils.
Our hair care products ensure your hair and scalp are healthy with;
🍃 Rapid Growth, 🍃 Drastically, Reduced Breakage, 🍃 Drastically Reduced Shedding, 🍃 Allow length retention, 🍃 Maximum moisture from fresh plants.
For those experiencing hair loss or scalp issues such as:
🍃 Hair Shedding, 🍃 Thinning Hair
🍃 Dry Itchy, Flaky Scalp, 🍃 Bald Patches (Alopecia), 🍃 Dandruff, 🍃 Scalp Psoriasis
We support you through your healthy hair journey by being accessible to answer your queries online and on our various social media platforms. We offer our customers guidance, support, advice and clarity on any issues you may have, in order for you to achieve the best results.We focus on fresh plants for moisture and the lock method, as these are the conditions that curly and coily hair need for growth, length retention and healthy hair and scalp, combined with protective styling.Due to the health risks associated with preservatives and chemicals used in Afro hair and Afro skincare products, with AfroHairCandy🍃 we are proud to introduce products that are 100% Chemical free, Preservatives free, Artificial colouring free, with No Artificial Perfumes. We make completely Organic, fridge stored products.
suitable for Men, Women and Children
Our products are suitable for Men, Women and Children of all ages, and all hair types, and skin types for the body care range, as they are purely made with just Plants, Seeds, and Oils. AfroHairCandy🍃 product range work well to maintain hair and skin as using fresh, natural ingredients, is as nature intended for us to care for our hair and skin.