Your Hair's Growth Cycle

Your Hair's Growth Cycle

 Maximising Your Hair Growth Cycle
Are you curious about the different phases of your hair growth cycle? Want to know how to ensure your hair reaches its full potential? In this blog, we explore the four stages of the hair growth cycle and how you can support each phase with AfroHairCandy's exceptional natural products.
Hair Growth Cycle
What is the Anagen Phase? 
The Anagen Phase, also known as the Growth Phase or Active Phase, is when hair root cells divide rapidly, resulting in new hair formation.
During this phase, your hair grows approximately half an inch per month, or about 6 inches per year. Hair tends to grow faster in the summer compared to winter as your scalp needs sunlight and oxygen to grow efficiently, almost like a plant.
The Anagen Phase typically spans 3 to 5 years, leading to an average hair length growth of 18 to 30 inches. In individuals of African and Asian descent, this phase can extend up to 7 years, allowing hair to grow up to an impressive 3 feet!  AfroHairCandy's moisture spray is the perfect product to keep your hair in the rapid cell division phase, ensuring your follicles are producing the right amount of growth per month, by applying our moisture spray daily
Natural Hair growth Products
Catagen Phase: Transition to Rest
Catalan phase hair loss
After the Anagen Phase, the Catagen Phase begins. It's a brief transitional stage that marks the end of active hair growth. Individual hairs disconnect from the blood supply and the cells responsible for new hair production. Around 3% of all hairs are in this stage at any given time.
The Catagen Phase lasts approximately 10 days, however, your hair can go into catagen phase early or for a prolonged period of time due to bad styling, and products containing alcohols, preservatives synthetics and other chemicals, as they damage your scalp. Our Chebe Hair and Scalp Serum prevents your follicles from going into prolonged Catalan cycles where your follicles are disconnected from your blood supply by repairing such dormant follicles.  their healing properties allow for the disconnected blood vessels to reconnect, feeding the follicles oxygenated blood to produce new growth. 
Telogen Phase: The Resting Period
The Telogen Phase is a resting period during which hair strands remain in their follicles but don't actively grow. About 10-15% of your hairs are in the Telogen Phase simultaneously.
   This phase spans about 3 months or 100 days on a healthy scalp, but your follicles can be suck in this resting period for longer, if you scalp has experienced trauma or exposure to destructive chemicals, leading to dormant follicles.  during this period your hair is also weaker, and so our Chebe Butter works to strengthen your strands during the Telogen phase, preventing breakage, while these strands wait for their turn to go back into active growth phase. 
Exogen Phase: Shedding Hair
The Exogen Phase marks the final stage of the Hair Growth Cycle, during which individual hair strands are released from their follicles and naturally fall out. This phase allows the entire hair growth cycle to begin anew and so it's a natural shedding process.  This process can be prolonged or excessive due to normal imbalances caused by menopause, and not treating your scalp with enough care over a period of time. Ensuring you limit your scalps exposure to chemically enhanced products or products that contain synthetics, silicons, alcohols and preservatives will help greatly in preserving the integrity of your scalp.  using our Cowash and Deep Conditioning Treatment rather than a shampoo will help to ensure that once the hair falls out, there is new growth right underneath, ready to restart the growth cycle. 
Excessive hair shedding hair loss
The Importance of a Balanced Hair Growth Cycle
Natural Hair Products
It's essential to understand that each hair follicle operates independently and undergoes these growth phases at different times. This natural variation prevents all your hair from falling out at once. On a healthy head of hair, you typically shed around 30 to 50 hairs daily for Afro hair.
Disruptions to your hair growth cycle  caused by harsh styling, wearing wigs, exposing your hair to alcohols, chemicals, synthetics and preservatives can lead to hair loss, thinning, and growth problems. Factors like metabolic imbalances, illness, or inadequate nutrition can trigger these disruptions as well. For example, restrictive dieting or a high fever may lead to Telogen effluvium, characterised by sudden diffuse hair fall around 12 weeks later or if we all recall covid hair loss?  It's very the perfect example of your follicles going into Telogen phase for a prolonged period due to illness. In this case, many hairs enter the resting phase simultaneously, causing increased hair fall during the shedding phase.
Consistent nutrition, stress reduction, and the right hair care products are crucial for maintaining a balanced Hair Growth Cycle. AfroHairCandy🍃 offers a range of natural, organic, and Chemical-Free products that cater to your hair's unique needs, whether you're struggling with hair growth, moisture retention, dry scalp, thinning, or balding.
Why Choose AfroHairCandy🍃 Products?
Natural Hair Products
Our products are crafted from pure plants, seeds, and oils, ensuring your hair doesn't get stuck in the Tolegen phase. By providing essential nutrients and maintaining an aligned growth cycle, AfroHairCandy🍃 products help your hair make the most of each phase. Our commitment to using 100% Organic and Natural ingredients means you can trust in our products' quality and safety, being 100% Chemical Free.
 Healthy Natural Hair Products
For a healthier and more fruitful hair growth cycle, consider AfroHairCandy🍃 exceptional products. Our products are aligned with your desire to lead a healthier lifestyle and a natural alternative to a world filled with cosmetics that cause harm, allowing you to embrace the power of natural care for your hair and your scalp.
Ready to make the most of your hair's potential? Explore AfroHairCandy🍃 range of 100% Chemical Free, Natural products today and experience the difference for yourself.
Written by Carine Mbembi Whyte 

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