How to treat thinning edges

These types of big, heavy braids will pull out your hair all over, making your follicles produce dinner strands of hair, but in particular they do a lot of damage to your Edges. You'll notice that when you stop pulling on your edges and you are dedicated to applying the products daily, they will grow back, however, at the point of hair pulling where there will be a new line of hair loss from the pull....

What should be your daily ritual to get your edges back?
Apply the Moisture Spray to your scalp, all over, but with a focus on your edges.

These three steps are called the LOC method. They ensure that your follicles remain active in producing good quality growth, the new strands of hair that will be coming in will be well nourished so that they don't just fall off again, together with hairs that may be there already, and the Chebe butter ensures that the moisture is sealed in to prevent breakage. It also supports the Moisture Spray in producing growth. These steps should be done daily to regrow your edges.

Our New Mulberry Silk headbands are perfect for covering your edges while you are growing them back. The luxury silk will allow the front part of your scalp to breath, allowing oxygen and sunlight in, and it will protect your hair from further breakage, unlike other materials that are harsh to an already fragile area.
Our Recovery Sets of products are able to reverse some of the most serious cases of hair loss, with our expert guidance and your consistency. We recommend you take pictures monthly. If you buy our recovery set, ask for guidance on our wed chat. We also send a printed guide to support you through your hair care journey. We are here to support you. 💚
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